Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Photo Competition Award

(c) Copyright Ines Varela-Silva, 2012, Loughborough University
I was awarded yesterday (6 March 2012) the Second Prize Picture at the Loughborough University Research Conference (Photo Competition). This was the photo:

Title: Nutrition transition

Celestun, Yucatan, Mexico

The switch from traditional diets (high-fibre, low-fat, and low-calorie foods) to globalized diets (low-fibre, high-fat, high-calorie foods) is happening throughout the developing world.
The Maya are not an exception. Our research shows that, even in small communities like Celestun, fast food chains and nutritionally poor beverages are changing the dietary patterns of the populations and partially contributing for the increase in the obesity epidemic.

Research supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. International Collaborative Research Grants (#ICRG-93).Posted by Picasa

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