Training sessions

Our research proposal submitted to The Wenner-Gren Foundation also included a training component. This component was initially planned for graduate students in the Masters and PhD programmes in Human Ecology  and for academic staff from CINVESTAV. Federico decided to open it up also to colleagues and students from other institutions and we ended up with a great crowd of 28 people.

Three modules were delivered during 4 days filled with lectures, tutorials and practical sessions.

Module 1. Estimation of energy expenditure using the Actiheart (by Inês Varela-Silva)

Module 2. Biocultural theory and application for the assessment of health and nutritional status (by Barry Bogin)

Module 3. Ecological and anthropological research in Mexico (by Federico Dickinson)

In the last day several participants requested an additional module on Growth charts, references and standards. Inês, Barry and Federico were happy to oblige.

Several participants in the training accompanied us to the Colonia San José Tecoh and collaborated in the fieldwork.

In one of the tutorials

Hugo being brave and shaving his chest...Why?
Because the ECG electrodes don't stick well in hairy chests.
And the Actihearts are placed on them...

Prof Bogin in full swing
presenting his views on growth, health and nutrition

Dealing with the Actihearts

Several participants in the training program, during the recruitment session 

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